Holly Holm once said, “Passion first, and everything will fall into place.” For 17-year-old cheerleading and acrobatics athlete Isaac Allred, this sentiment couldn’t be more accurate.
With over 30K Instagram followers watching his every twist, turn, flip, and move, Isaac demonstrates every day what passion for a sport really looks like.
We Sell Mats™ sat down with Isaac to learn more about his journey, from his earliest beginnings to his best tips and safety advice for others interested in the high-stakes sport of cheer.
Without further ado, Isaac Allred.
We Sell Mats™ & Isaac Allred: Q&A
Behind the Brand: Who is Isaac Allred?
I am just your everyday 17 year old trying my best to balance family, school, cheer, and my not-so-average tumbling, acro, and hand-balance abilities.
How did you get started?
When I was six years old, all I wanted to do was tumble. I was so determined to get my back-handspring that I just threw it. Something sparked in me that day. I searched for a tumbling coach that could help me be the best I could be. After going to countless gyms across Utah, I found I was my best coach. Fast forward 11 years, and I have reached my goal of teaching myself all my tumbling and acro. I started my Instagram where I could post my training videos. I was shocked when my videos started reaching hundreds of thousands of views.
How long have you been a cheerleader?
I’m currently in my 3rd year of cheerleading, but I started my training when I was six years old.
What is your favorite cheerleading home workout setup?
I love to train my tumbling on all of my mats. I learn new skills and work on my form on my air tracks tumbling mats!
What is your favorite cheerleading stunt/move?
My signature skill is a full-twisting layout step-out. I love how it requires a balance of grace and a significant amount of power.
How do you incorporate We Sell Mat products into your cheerleading workout routine?
When I am learning a new skill, I pull out my We Sell Mats™ Jovian Airtrack. For a safe landing, I use my We Sell Mats™ crash pad! I have found this setup very successful in my training.
How to stay motivated as a cheerleader?
If I am ever feeling unmotivated, I like to think of the countless hours I have put into my training. I have hopes to be a collegiate cheerleader someday, it is very important that I never give up.
Do you offer virtual cheerleading training?
I currently don’t offer virtual training, but I plan to create tutorials in the near future!
Where can fans follow you to receive cheerleading tips and updates?
Follow me at IG: @isaacallredd
Common Cheerleading Questions
Is cheer a sport?
Competitive cheerleading is 100% a sport. Cheerleading is not only dangerous, but it also requires a lot of skill and countless hours of training.
How to be a cheerleader?
To start cheerleading, I recommend going to an open gym. Get in contact with a cheerleader or coach for additional help!
What equipment do you recommend for learning gymnastics?
High-quality panel mats and an air track are amazing products that will help with new skills, form, and safety!
What are easy cheerleading moves for beginners?
Great skills to start with are a toe touch, and a round-off.
What are safety precautions to consider when learning gymnastics?
Make sure you are training in a safe space, clear of anything you could land on. Only attempt skills that you can do safely.
Take Your Training to the Next Level with We Sell Mats™ Tumbling Equipment
No matter where you are in your cheer, tumbling, or acrobatic career, We Sell Mats™ makes it easy to find today’s most trusted gymnastics mats for every leg of the journey.
Shop We Sell Mats™ today to stock up on your cheer or tumbling mat must-haves, and follow Isaac on Instagram @isaacallredd for ongoing inspiration, and to see where his passion for the sport takes him next!